Stockholm IP Law Review 2023 #1

Författare i denna utgåva: Åsa Hellstadius, Justin Lambert, Leila Magnini, Frantzeska Papadopoulou Skarp, Matthew Rimmer, Darinka Tomic

Publicerad av Stockholm IP Law Review, december 2023

This issue of the Stockholm IP Law Review is characteristic of the geographic diversity not only of the issues analyzed and of our readers but also of our authors, from Canada to Australia, Italy and UK.We hope you enjoy reading this issue of the SIPLR that discusses timely IP issues. Darinka Tomic discusses the particularities of the Canadian system for the protection of geographical indications while in her article, Leila Magnini presents the new Regulation on Geographical Indication protection for craft and industrial products. In his contribution, Justin Lambert analyzes the use of plausibility as a concept under EPC and UK case-law respectively, while Matthew Rimmer introduces as to the very interesting interface of bioprinting and intellectual property rights.