Scandinavian studies in law 22 1978
Publicerad av Scandinavian studies in law, oktober 1978
Balancing of Interest and Compensation Rules in Environment Law
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 22 1978, oktober 1978 s. 11–38
Feedback in Legal Reasoning and Rule Systems
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 22 1978, oktober 1978 s. 39–52
The Draft of a New Swedish Sale of Goods Act
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 22 1978, oktober 1978 s. 53–80
Some Features of Finnish Environment Law: A Study in Conflicting Interests
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 22 1978, oktober 1978 s. 81–106
Danish Collective Labour Law and Its Development in Recent Years
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 22 1978, oktober 1978 s. 107–134
The Planned Constitutional Reform in Finland
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 22 1978, oktober 1978 s. 135–148
The Uppsala School of Legal Thinking
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 22 1978, oktober 1978 s. 149–176
Ascertainment of Law and Doctrine of Precedent in the Swedish Labour Court
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 22 1978, oktober 1978 s. 177–212
Legal Hermeneutics–Notes on the Early Modern Development
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 22 1978, oktober 1978 s. 213–242
Anders Sandøe ørsted and the Influence From Civil Law Upon Danish Private Law at the Beginning of the 19th Century
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 22 1978, oktober 1978 s. 243–265
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