Risker för fusk och oegentligheter inom den personliga assistansen

Publicerad i Nordisk socialrättslig tidskrift nr 40.2024, september 2024 s. 55–82


Personal assistance (PA) for persons with disabilities has been a successful and important welfare reform in Sweden. Studies show that PA empowers persons with disabilities and strengthen their living conditions, particularly their participation and self-determination. PA is crucial to everyday life. However, since the implementation in 1994 PA has been subject to criticism due to financial costs. The Swedish government has stated that PA needs to be financially sustainable to guarantee persons with disabilities PA in the future. In recent years PA has also been discussed in relation to welfare crimes. The Swedish Social Insurance Inspectorate (ISF) has stated that the legislation regarding PA, which has the intent of providing individual rights to persons with disabilities, makes it difficult for the Swedish Social Insurance Agency to control the payments of assistance allowance. ISF has also stated that the legal design regarding PA attracts organised crime and non-serious assistance providers. Preparatory works from the last 30 years regarding PA is subject to a qualitative analysis. The article analyses and contributes knowledge about risk factors regarding welfare crime within the legalisation of PA. The study shows that the legislator has dealt with risk factors regarding welfare crimes throughout the years and ever since the implementation of PA in 1994. PA has been a success when it comes to empowering persons with disabilities and a success for persons with non-lawful intentions.