Polisens barnskyddsarbete när barn far illa i hemmiljön

Publicerad i Nordisk socialrättslig tidskrift nr 37.2024, april 2024 s. 35–70


Unfortunately, the police have daily encounters with children and young people that for some reason are in harm’s way. The article deals with the question of temporary decision making by the police as a tool to protect children and young people. The Swedish Police Act (polislagen) enables the police to make compulsory decisions temporarily with the purpose of handing over the child to a legal guardian or the social services. The legal provision is described as a tool for child protection and can also be seen as a tool to ensure the rights of the child and the best interest of the child. However, the present article explores the scope of the legal provision and finds that it is only applicable with regards to the behavior of the child. It does not protect children who are in harm’s way due to the behavior of the parent or the legal guardian. The article argues that there is a need to review the Swedish Police Act to strengthen children’s rights and fulfill Sweden’s obligations according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.