

Authors in this edition: Mattias Åhrén, Yamam Al-Zubaidi, Marte Bauge, Anna Bruce, Laura Carlson, Jameson Garland, Ida Gundersby Rognlien, Anne Hellum, Kári Hólmar Ragnarsson, Paul Lappalainen, Lene Løvdal, Michael McEachrane, Liisa Nieminen, Ann Numhauser-Henning, Tuomas Ojanen, Eva Schömer, Susanne Søholt, Virve Toivonen, Carin Ulander-Wänman, Lotta Vahlne Westerhäll

Published by Scandinavian studies in law, March 2022

Issues of equality have been radically brought to the forefront by #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, the Covid-19 Pandemic and climate justice in a period of less than five years. The structural discrimination identified in these different contestations has raised more questions than can be answered with respect to the legal treatment of equality.

In this sixty-eighth volume in the series, Scandinavian Studies in Law, nineteen authors take up some of these questions, examining equality under the law in the Scandinavian legal context from four different aspects: theoretical and international frameworks for equality, protected grounds, protected areas and enforcement on the national levels. The authors in this volume dedicated to Equality have taken up only a few of the many aspects that need to be addressed in order to truly reach equality and eradicate structural discrimination. We hope that this volume has furthered the readers’ interest in these issues, and look forward to continuing the conversation.

The Volume Editor for this volume is Professor Laura Carlson, Stockholm University.


Published in Equality, March 2022 s. 5–10


Published in Equality, March 2022 s. 491–492