Constitutional Law
Published by Scandinavian studies in law, July 2007
Constitutions make up the foundations of societies and from a historical point of view there is little doubt that constitutional law and its various manifestations has had a crucial impact on the development of modern society. At a more detailed level constitutions provide meta rules about how state mechanisms and rule-making processes in a given society are intended to function.
The publication of this volume is well timed. In the European sphere constitutional law is currently much debated, especially as a consequence of the European Union (EU) integration project and its accompanying demands for constitutional revisions and adoption of super governmental principles. The impact of the project is much discussed and the opinions vary. The process also has initiated referendums in several countries, and the recent failure to ratify the new Constitutional Treaty has prompted a renewed debate on the legitimacy of European integration. Simultaneously a number of events in which several constitutional principles appear to clash with religious and ethical concerns have been given much attention in the media. Several recent incidents have also stirred up debates concerning the limits of constitutional principles and the need for revisions. The Danish publication of Muhammad caricatures, frequent clashes between principles concerning freedom of the press versus privacy, minority rights, and the protection of religious freedom are just a few examples of this. In the first part of this 52nd volume of Scandinavian Studies of Law (Sc.St.L.) 17 articles on constitutional law are presented. The second part is a documentation of the second annual conference of the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS) Why Europe? Possibilities and limits of European integration which was held in Stockholm 16 November 2006. The purpose of the conference was to provide scholarly perspectives on the sources of legitimacy, the democratic credentials and the constitutional alternatives for the EU. The contributions in this section are further elaborations of the speeches delivered at the conference. In addition, in order to provide a background to the discussions, this volume presents English versions of the Constitutions of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
The Finnish Perspective on the Last-Resort Support for Subsistence
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 17–40
New Modes of Constitution Making: Towards Fewer and More Flexible Provisions?
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 41–48
The European Constitutional Project and the Swedish Constitution
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 49–64
Blowing in the Wind? Swedish Protection of Whistler-blowers in the Public Sector
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 65–78
How Difficult Should it be to Amend Constitutional Laws?
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 79–102
Why International Human Rights Judicial Review might be Democratically Legitimate
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 103–122
The Protection of Property Rights Under the Danish Constitution
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 123–132
Novel Rules in the Finnish Constitution - The Question of Applicability
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 133–154
Right of Resistance - A European Democratic Notion
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 155–186
The Indirect Effect of the Treaty on a Constitution for Europe
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 187–202
EU Law and the Response of the Constitutional Law Committee of the Finnish Parliament
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 203–226
The Right to Freedom of Religion: a Critical Review
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 227–254
Constitutional Interpretation - Between Legalism and Law-Making
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 255–272
The European Convention on Human Rights and the Transformation of the Finnish Fundamental Rights System
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 299–320
A European Social Contract?
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 321–350
Democracy, Legitimacy and Constitutionalism
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 351–370
Would the Constitutional Treaty Help Alleviate the Union's Legitimacy Crisis?
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 371–382
The European Union: Rhetoric and Reality
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 383–390
One or Many Constitutions? The Constitutional Future of the European Union in the 2000s from a Legal Perspective
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 391–410
The Constitutional Act of Denmark
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 411–422
The Constitution of Finland
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 423–448
Constitution of the Republic of Iceland
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 449–458
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 459–474
Sweden: The Instrument of Government
Published in Constitutional Law, July 2007 s. 475–500
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