Strategier mot kränkningar i skolan? En kvalitativ undersökning av ärenden vid Skolinspektionen

Publicerad i Nordisk socialrättslig tidskrift nr 19–20.2019, april 2019 s. 25–52


Swedish schools are required to counteract degrading treatment. If the school staff fails to counteract properly, damage might be claimed. The aim of this study was to examine the Education Act and to perform a qualitative content analysis of descriptions of countermeasures in 16 cases of peer abuse reported to the School Inspectorate. A framework of legal sociology was used. The results show that the requirements of countermeasures in the Education Act are vague. The results also show that the school staff and the reporting parents had divergent perceptions of what had happened. They could therefore not agree on what countermeasures should have been taken. The reporting parents described every measure that was unsuccessful as inadequate. The school staff, on the other hand, described measures that seemed to have been the best possible options as good enough, even though the abuse had not actually been stopped. It is argued that school staff needs competence and resources to counteract peer abuse more than they need an increase in rules and administrative procedures.